What we do
With the Sharks Educational Institute volunteers, we work close to each marine environment and habitat, on an observation and surveillance basis working and promoting as much as possible existing and new citizen-science projects.
Depending each species and habitats, shark diving is for us, the best opportunity we can explore to understand shark different behaviours.
To make each observation a continuous learning process, our Shark Diving Courses are prepared in detail to each different shark species.
Educational projects
Our education experts design and advance new educative programs and active measures oriented to the young students and their teachers, when aimed at their blue knowledge development.
Our best projects are created in cooperation with schools’ pedagogical developers customising each learning technique to the best satisfaction of each young public level.
Scientific projects
On a first level, our members and volunteers along the ocean fronts, promoting seaside walks and cleanups where we listen and share our marine conservation experiences.
Besides those kind of sea de-pollution events, and in addition and importantly, in the areas and zones we can act, our teams promote and organise art events such as performing initiatives, film festivals, draw and painting contests, among other forms of expression where sharks’ roles on the marine balance assurance are highlighted.
Did you know?
Shark fishing Nations
Did you know that Spain, Portugal, and France are among the top 15 shark-fishing nations of the world?
And on the top of that, their long-distant fishing operations are, in many cases, subsidized with EU taxpayers’ money to target sharks in all oceans! Globally long distant fishing nations are responsible for 74% percent of all blue shark catches and this ratio increases to 89% for the Atlantic. According to Oceana’s report produced by Poseidon Aquatic Resources Management Ltd. in 2019 more than seven million blue sharks were landed globally based on reported tonnage.
Spain and Portugal are among the world’s top five largest blue shark catching nations, while Spain and Taiwan catch as many blue sharks as all other nations together, thereby further emphasizing the key role the EU fishing fleet plays in the global shark fishing business.
Help us to share the importance of marine scientific knowledge. Join our team of Shark Advocates! Contact us and become a member of the Sharks Educational Institute!
Shark attacks? No.
Due to their triangular shaped teeth, Bull Sharks, together with Tiger Sharks and Great Whites, are unfortunately associated by some media by the expression,“shark attack”. The dominant perception of “attack” as intentional bites that end with fatal outcomes, is nowadays a generic and highly misleading term.
As there are not many Shark Diver trained people, the lack of knowledge about how to behave when faced with a shark underwater, if a young Bull Shark happens to interact by accident with any beachgoer, sad things may happen. The persistent use of the expression “shark attack”, mostly by some media and government representatives when describing any type of human-shark interaction, have also led to the criminalisation of all types of shark bites. This is so significant, that a few years ago two scientists, Christopher Neff from Australia and Robert Hueter from the USA, published a study regarding a reclassification of human- shark interactions.